1980 – SPRINGERS ON THE LINES first issue, was a 16 page, black and white newsletter, published by Ron Baldwin, National publishing Francis Ruff. It was a quarterly published “for the interest and advancement of the English Springer Spaniel” with a circulation of less than 400. [View a cover of “On The Line” 1986 here]
1983 – The cover name changed to For Field Spaniels ON THE LINE emphasizing the field or hunting aspects of our sport.
1984 – A new organization, ON THE LINE, Ltd. was formed with Vance Van Lannen, Publisher & Roger Houk, National Editor.
1986 – Art Rodger bought ON THE LINE, LTD. , became President/Publisher/Editor and changed the corporate goal to “publish quarterly for the interest and advancement of all flushing spaniels” thus broadening the target subscriber to include all hunting spaniel owners. The magazine at that time was 28 pages, B&W with a circulation of about 500.
1989 – SPANIELS IN THE FIELD, This new name was announced in the winter, 1989 issue. We quote from that announcement “We first started thinking about a name change last summer when results from our READERS SURVEY told us that we had more subscribers who were primarily hunters than field trailers–43% listed hunting as their primary interest, 35% listed field trialing and 22% listed both equally.
In view of this the name, ON THE LINE, seemed far too narrow as it is strictly a field trial term.
To make a long story short, it looked like it was time to change to a name that more accurately described what our magazine was all about. We considered FLUSHING SPANIELS, HUNTING SPANIELS, SPANIEL ACTION, SPORTING SPANIELS and many other names before deciding that SPANIELS IN THE FIELD best described what we talk about and report on.
Also in this year SPANIELS IN THE FIELD changed to full color front and back cover, a 64 page magazine with a circulation of 1400, more than triple its starting number.
2000 – Art Rodger stepped down after 14 years as owner / editor and SPANIELS IN THE FIELD was purchased by Harry Henriques. Many full color pages were added and a continued effort was made to tackle issues of hunting, trailing as well as a focus on the activities of the various clubs. In 2001 the Henriques had to relinquish their ownership due to an illness and the
magazine changed owners.
2005 Twenty–five years after the magazine is acquired by David P Nolan from Millennium Partners, LP in New York City and published by Kuni Y. Smith. It will be printed,in its Spring and Fall with an online issue at spanielsinthefield.com website.
2006 SPANIELS IN THE FIELD celebrates its first anniversary under a new ownership. The subscriber List jump by 10% and the SITF website is documenting up to 76,900 hits and over 7,000 visitors per month. All in all, our goal is to expand the magazine to include a wide variety of topics and issues, a great staff is eager to bring to readers the news, calendars, field trial result and stories that will hopefully enhance the joy or ownership of these special dogs.
Our website: spanielsinthefield.com and the magazine work together to update and inform all about the advancement of all flushing spaniels.
2007 –
SITFFR foundation donated the trophy to English Cocker Spaniel Club of America
SPANIELS IN THE FIELD is published 4 times a year: February, April, July and October, with additional articles in an online issue at sitf.com website.
We have over 19,700 visitors and 146,800 hits per month!
Spaniels in the Field Perpetual Trophy (Traveling Trophy) – A perpetual trophy in commemoration of “Puppie” who inspired a journey into the Sporting Dog world. The flushing Cocker Spaniel is mounted on a wooden base with engraved names of all annual high Point Open Stake Dog/Bitch winners. The trophy is awarded to the winner each year and retained by the winning owners of the High Point Dog for one year. Donated by Kuni Smith – Spaniels in the Field. The High Point Trophy is dedicated to the memory of “Puppie”, field bred American Cocker David Lamar SH, by Kuni Y. Smith. The faithful reproduction of her beloved companion was crafted by noted sculptor Karl Lansing. “Puppie” will be remembered as great hunting dog and loyal, faithful companion.
Credits:Claire Podlaseck
2010 – Thirty years of Spaniels in the Field publishing company changes to A-not-for-profit organization.Name changed to Spaniels in the Field & Flushing Retrievers Foundation (SITFFR). This includes the most popular breed — Labrador Retrievers. SITFFR pronounced “Sit Far” foundation. Logo is added Labrador and Field Bred Cocker Spaniel donated by English artist Keith Sykes, website changed to: www.sitffrfoundation.org.
2011 – SITFFR foundation becomes a 501(C)(3) tax exempt charitable organization (Federal Tax ID #35-2377957).Our goals to pursue our mission. We will have many events throughout the country. Volunteers are always welcome.
Kuni Smith
David Lamar SH “ Puppie “ – SITFFR Mascot dog 2000 – 2010

Getting Hooked at Mashomack
A City Dog Finds his Roots
Gun Dog in the Cayman Islands
Gun Dog in the City
Lamar’s Prime Time “ Stryker” – SITFFR Mascot dog 2010 – 2022