Donation of Trophy

Credits:Claire Podlaseck
SITFFR foundation donated the trophy to English Cocker Spaniel Club of America
Spaniels in the Field Perpetual Trophy (Traveling Trophy) – A perpetual trophy in commemoration of “Puppie” who inspired
a journey into the Sporting Dog world. The flushing Cocker Spaniel is mounted on a wooden base with engraved names
of all annual high Point Open Stake Dog/Bitch winners. The trophy is to be retained by the winning owners
of the 2016 High Point Dog for one year. Donated by Kuni Smith – Spaniels in the Field. The High Point Trophy
is dedicated to the memory of “Puppie”, field bred American Cocker David Lamar SH, by Kuni Y. Smith. The faithful reproduction of her beloved
companion was crafted by noted sculptor Karl Lansing. “Puppie” will be remembered as great hunting dog and loyal, faithful companion.